
The interactive comic book

I thought I was SO clever when I came up with the idea of making a role-playing message board. I thought that I was so clever when I though up it's title, Storyboarders. I thought that I was so resourceful when I decided to merge that idea with the comic I was working on, Radioactive Babies.

However, a websearch informed me that role-playing boards aren't new, and neither was my brilliant title, Storyboarders. Maybe my idea to make the events in the role-playing message board into an internet comic book isn't new.

But this is what Storyboarders is.

The Web Page is the Story. The Message Board is the Action
This webpage is the relay of what goes on in the message boards. The real action is there at the Storyboards. The rest of the site is about Radioactive Babies, the comic book evolved from events in the Storyboards.

This is the role-playing message board. Anyone can read it, anyone can request to play and be a character. You can draw your own character and create his/her own personality. There are rules, and everything you need to know (including the portal to the boards) is in the Storyboards section of this website.

Radioactive Babies
This is the title of the comic book. Not everything that happens in the Storyboards will make it to the comic or even the storylines. I drew the first characters and made the basic storyline. I have some plot twists and future stories ready. I control the flow of the comic. I'm not alone. Visual artist and mastermind, Tommy Harwood, has been with me since the beginning. He has created some characters and he is managing the Stoyboards with me.

Radioactive Babies is about a group of teens who get high on a drug, unaware that it is laced with an experimental chemical, Penzicane.

The setting is in the future (not ridiculous future), where society is indifferent about drug use because of a scientific experimentation and research boom. Youth drug use is considered a norm, and an occasional form of entertainment, neither abused or unused (beside the usual exceptions).

Penzicane places the Radioactive Babies characters in an alternate state of mind, body, or emotion. In this state, they meet enemies which were invisible while sober. They battle these enemies to make the metaphysical world a little easier, while thier primal mission is to find and destroy all traces of Penzicane. However, in order to survive, the characters must remain under the effects of Penzicane, the root enemy.

I was told that even the plot of my comic isn't new. So much for brilliant creativity!

Oh, by the way, THIS WEBSITE SUCKS!
I am working within the limitations of Freeservers' generic templates. It sucks, which is why this website sucks. I won't be able to have comic archives. Hell, I may not even be able to post the comics when they are ready. I'd like to have some audio, assorted files, and picturs where I want them. Basically, I want this website not to be so rinky-dinky. In order to do this, I need Macromedia Dreamweaver. If you want to donate this program to me, or donate some money so I can buy it myself, please email:
Storyboarders Get A Facelift Fund